호주 힐송교회에서 워쉽과 기타연주로 사역하던 RAYNCO
페이지 정보
작성자인피니스 댓글 0건 조회 13,649회 작성일 10-10-07 22:02본문
지난 2009년 11월 한국방문를 하여 크리스찬 작사작곡주제로 신학대학원 워크샵을 하였으며 그때 한국 방문시 아주 좋은 추억으로 한국에 애정과 한국투어 계획을 생각하고 있습니다.
이번 새로운 앨범 타이틀 “화이트 노이즈”는 신선하고 경건한 하나님에 신호을 의미하는 것이 랍니다. 주님에 복음과 가스펠이 이세상에 널리 퍼지길 기원합니다.
THE WORLD is in need of passionate people. Those who care about the suffering of those near and far, those who desire to see equality and justice for all.
There is a new generation. A generation stirred and provoked by a Love they know so dearly. A kind of Love that only Christ can provide, and this generation is alive!
This generation is growing quickly under the direction of Jesus. People in different parts of the world, are learning the same truth about the Gospel of Christ. His love that never ceases to chase after murderers, drunkards, adulterers, liars, and rebels, to turn them into the sanctified, beloved, empowered, children of a Father.
This BELOVED generation is here and we are carrying the banner of His Grace: Jesus. We are excited to be a part of this beloved generation, and we are especially excited to witness the great work of Jesus. Enjoy the songs and we believe that our Dad will reveal himself to you through them
Always blessed, ~Ray
That's Love (Music Video) - RAYNCO
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