마이클 W. 스미스가 보내온 성탄 축하 메시지 > 뉴스및공지

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마이클 W. 스미스가 보내온 성탄 축하 메시지 > 뉴스및공지

마이클 W. 스미스가 보내온 성탄 축하 메시지

페이지 정보

작성자 인피니스 댓글 0건 조회 38,864회 작성일 03-12-26 10:19



My Christmas dream would be that we would all come to embrace the truth of the Gospel -- that God loves us. We deserved death but he sent His Son to give us life. The Christ child, born in the manger, grew to live a perfect life and was without sin. He chose death to take the judgement that should have fallen on us. We need to be reminded of this all the time. It's not just "the Christmas story" -- it is our hope and our salvation.

In my 20 years of ministry, I have never before felt such a call of God to pour my life into other people -- and to encourage the body of Christ to do the same thing. True peace comes when we give ourselves away. My hope for this Christmas season is that we would experience what it is like to give of ourselves to our brothers and sisters. If we experience this at Christmas, we'll carry it on through the new year. It won't just change those around us -- it will change us.

Merry Christmas, friends. Your support and encouragement has meant so much to me and my family. We love you and hope you are truly blessed this Christmas season.

Thanks and God Bless,

Michael W. Smith
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  • Matt Redman
  • Ron Kenoly
  • Kari Jobe
  • Ken Reynolds
  • Martin Smith
  • Darlene Zshech
  • Motown Gospel
  • Avalon



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